If you’re looking for a fun friendly Personal Trainer in Oxford, look no further.

Whether it’s simply to inject some new life into your current exercise programme, re-establish a routine following a break from exercise or finally achieve those dreams that you have been having about getting fitter and healthier… I’m here to help make it happen.

Everybody is different. Age, gender, goals, interests, personality, ability, commitment, and support network are just a few of the variables that need to be taken into account when designing a fitness programme.

Training plans and sessions are completely personalised, customised and adapted to suit each client and modified as you progress. That’s a big advantage versus a 12 week “magic” plan from a magazine or downloaded from a website

For a number of people exercise is a chore, something they endure because they want to feel healthy or stay slim or both, but they can’t honestly say they really enjoy it. So the temptation to find excuses to postpone, cut short or miss workouts altogether runs high.

Working with a personal trainer who can motivate, encourage or let’s face it occasionally gently bully you into achieving your goal is what most people need. There are the ‘freaks of nature’ that find exercise enjoyable – who arrive fired up and ready to go but for the majority exercise can feel more like a visit to the dentist than a fun way to spend their day but it doesn’t have to be that way.

A personal trainer can work with you outside the confines of a gym and if you want to begin your regime at home that’s great. A programme can be designed to work in your sitting room or local park so there’s no intimidation from the super fit or in front of a massive gym mirror, especially when you are just starting your fitness journey.

Personal Trainers are now a way of life for many people; they are not just for celebrities, athletes or the super-rich. The secrets to a toned body are available to everyone and there are many powerful reasons why you will benefit from working with a personal trainer

If you keep doing what you’ve always done you will not only stop improving you will also get bored and boredom is the death of a well-intentioned exercise plan. I will not only ensure that you are following the principles of progressive overload but that you have alternatives to keep things interesting and enjoyable.

Motivation is integral to everyone’s personal development regardless of ability, age or fitness and without it, efforts can be short lived. The beauty of hiring a personal trainer is that encouragement is there every time you exercise and it’s harder to cancel a workout with a personal trainer than deciding to simply skip a session! Added to that personal training will offer you both immediate feedback and encouragement while making you work just a little harder than you thought possible. Therefore progress continues and this is incredibly motivational and anyway, if you’ve paid for personal trainers you tend to use them – simple!

So, what are you waiting for? I’m here to help you change your life and hone the body and fitness level you desire

First steps
Together we will agree what your goals are and how and when we will measure your progress.
We offer a variety of training methods including one to one, groups and online.
I work with the most effective, innovative and fun training equipment therefore ensuring your exercise program has variety and is fun.

Got a Question?

If you'd like to book an appointment or if you have any questions about what I do and how I can work with you please contact me.



Anita tailors an exercise programme individually for me but it progresses and does not feel repetitious. – Jessica, Oxford

I am confident Anita can inspire anyone to embrace physical fitness, improve their health and make a difference to lifestyle in a fun and very personable way. – Donna R, Oxford

If you’re hesitating in the slightest my advice would be to go for it – don’t bother looking elsewhere - you won’t regret the time you spend with Anita – Jo, Headington